Spline Rules

  • designed by Néstor Romeral Andrés
  • 2 players


The board starts empty.


Players take turns adding a piece of their colour to any playable point (empty hole or platform).


A player wins by making a flat line of their colour spanning side to side, or corner to corner, on any level.

Lines on the 4x4 level must be 4 balls long.

Lines on the 3x3 level must be 3 balls long.

Lines on the 2x2 level must be 2 balls long.

The following example shows a winning line of size 3 for White:


This shows a winning line of size 2 for Black:

Win 2


Most wins will occur on the 2x2 level, by the first player to reach that high.

Every game is guaranteed to produce a winner before the last ball is played.